Accelerate IT project delivery with multi-disciplined, expert resources.

Do You Need Expert Help to Complete Your IT Project?

Resolute has the team you need to help deliver your IT project. From Project Managers, Architects, Systems/Business Analysts, and Developers, our highly-trained experts will provide you with the necessary skill sets and methods to support a smooth project delivery.

With IT Project Delivery Services from Resolute, you can:

✔  Access highly-skilled team members​​​​​​​

✔  Accelerate your project delivery

✔  Gain long- or short-term help as needed

✔  Benefit from industry-specific expertise 

✔  Help ensure your project is completed on time and on budget


Speak to an IT Project Delivery Expert

Our IT Project Delivery Resources

Project Managers ​

Our project managers have extensive experience in managing a wide variety of project types. They leverage their certifications and education to see a project through to its completion.

Typically, IT project managers are responsible for understanding your project goals and designing the process to achieve them. They'll work with your business leadership to help shape objectives before ultimately planning and executing the IT project.

As part of the execution phase, they are responsible for delegating tasks as well as reporting on progress to support a smooth and on time delivery process.


Working in tandem with your business leaders and technical team, our IT architects strive to bring operational efficiency to your organization. They have broad IT industry experience and are instrumental in designing and implementing overarching solutions to support your business.

They'll take a holistic view of your goals, strategy, and operations and ensure that your IT environment is in proper alignment with your overall objectives. Ultimately, they are there to ensure that your technology helps propel your business forward.

Systems/Business Analysts​

Our highly-trained systems analysts work with you to help design and implement an IT system that is both cost-effective to your organization and one that promotes productivity and efficiency.

Our business analysts reach beyond the traditional IT sphere to assess your business goals and processes and help to facilitate solutions geared toward overall efficiency. They leverage their knowledge and critical thinking skills to help ensure the success of your IT project delivery.

Boost Your IT Project Delivery

Take Measures to Ensure Success
When undertaking an IT project you may find yourself in need of key resources to complete it. Having access to specialized personnel can greatly accelerate the process and give you the power to enjoy a successful delivery.

Senior Talent with Project-Specific Expertise
Our team of highly-trained and versatile experts are available to augment your IT project delivery when the need arises. Whether you need short-term or long-term experts, we can provide the critical skill sets you need to deliver your project.

IT Project Delivery meeting
IT Project Delivery services in action

Enhance Your IT Project Teams

Having the right personnel resources and skill sets in place is crucial for delivering a successful IT project. Our team of highly-skilled project managers, architects and analysts can help ensure that your project is delivered on time and on budget.

Request a Free Consultation
To learn how you can leverage our extensive knowledge and experience for your IT project, contact us.

What Are the Benefits of IT Project Delivery?

The benefits of our IT project delivery services include:

Stick to Your Budget

By using strict methodologies we can keep scope creep to a minimum and keep your projects on budget

Niche Industry and Software Expertise

We have industry and technology-specific skill sets that can guide your project team to success

Reduced Hiring and Training Time

By accessing our resources for the duration of your project, you don’t have to manage onboarding FTEs or contracts

Proven Process

Our IT consultants follow proven processes that are matched to industry best practices for quality results

Access to a Full Range of IT Resources

We have business analysts, project managers, developers, architects, and other experts with a wide range of skills

Highly Qualified and Certified Senior Project Leaders

Our project leaders have the expertise to move barriers and get projects back on track